TikTok Marketing Services

TikTok has exploded in popularity over the last few years, becoming one of the most popular social media platforms, especially among younger demographics. For marketers, TikTok represents an exciting new opportunity to reach and engage with audiences.

At XtremeUX, we offer full-service TikTok advertising to grow your business. With expert strategists, creative content production, optimized targeting, and results-driven management, we create successful TikTok campaigns that engage your audience and boost ROI. Our dedicated team stays current on the latest TikTok updates to drive results.


Types of TikTok Marketing

Brand Building Content

Post entertaining, helpful, or educational videos that align with your brand persona. Offer value to build awareness and loyalty among TikTok users organically. Engage audiences with behind-the-scenes, how-tos, user questions, or community conversations. Be consistent in establishing your brand presence.

Hashtag Challenges

Spark user-generated content and engagement by creating a branded hashtag challenge campaign. Choose a challenge relevant to your business for TikTokers to participate in through their videos. Promote it with ads and influencers—feature user submissions.

Influencer Marketing

Strategically partner with relevant TikTok creators to promote your products authentically through reviews, unboxings, branded content, and more. Find influencers in your niche with engaged audiences. Negotiate sponsored placements in their content. Drive awareness, credibility, and conversions leveraging their reach.

Paid Ads

Run optimized TikTok video ad campaigns to reach new targeted audiences and drive traffic, conversions, app installs, sign-ups, and other goals. Tailor creative, targeting, bidding, and messaging to your objectives. Track performance and optimize accordingly. Video ads combine sight, sound, and motion for powerful results.

Shoppable Videos

Add shoppable links, buttons, or tags to TikTok videos showcasing your products so viewers can seamlessly click through to your site and purchase featured items. Make impulse shopping easy and satisfying. Link specific products or enable direct on-platform checkout.


Provide an authentic inside look into your brand, products, office, employees, or other behind-the-scenes aspects through fun, engaging videos. These raw moments build rapport with audiences, humanize your brand and pique interest.

Employee Takeovers

Let employees take over your TikTok account for a day to give followers a personalized look at your brand and culture. Employees showcasing their work provides a genuine perspective that resonates.

Customer Spotlights

Gain credibility and engagement by featuring happy customers reviewing, unboxing, or using your products through user-generated content. Their authentic advocacy is more believable than branded claims alone. Incentivize submissions.

Sponsorships & Partnerships

Partner with relevant brands, influencers, or creators for cross-promotion opportunities through co-branded content or endorsements. Combine audiences and expand reach. Execute giveaways or contests together. Strategic collaborations multiply marketing power.

Live Streams

Go live to engage followers in real-time through interactive Q&As, tutorials, contests, giveaways, or another valuable live video. Live broadcasts build excitement and urgency. Enable viewers to shape the experience through comments and challenges.

User Generated Content

Repost creative user-generated videos that authentically feature your brand and products to tap into their creativity. UGC provides fresh perspectives that customers trust—Incentivize quality submissions with rewards or exposure.

Why TikTok is Valuable for Marketers

Given TikTok’s rapid emergence and the size of its user base, it offers marketers a range of new opportunities compared to other social platforms. Here are some of the key reasons TikTok has so much value:

Reach a Younger Demographic

As the social media platform of choice for Generation Z, TikTok grants access to much younger users than networks like Facebook. Teens and young adults are often more complicated to target for brands, making TikTok appealing.

Viral Content and Exposure Potential

The addictive, micro-video content style on TikTok means videos can quickly go viral overnight, granting businesses sudden exposure to millions of viewers. Hashtag challenges are a proven way to generate viral interest.

Fresh Creative Options

Between fun effects, sounds, transitions, and AR filters, TikTok allows for novel and engaging video content types that feel native to the platform. Brands have lots of creative options for standing out.

Authentic Interactions

TikTok emphasizes individuals over influencers. Branded content that feels authentic and interactive and takes advantage of trends sees high engagement. Comments and duets foster genuine connections with followers.

Expanded eCommerce Features

TikTok is expanding its eCommerce capabilities, like shoppable video ads and in-app shopping. More direct sales potential exists on TikTok compared to apps like Snapchat or Instagram.

Targeting Capabilities

TikTok’s advertising platform offers advanced targeting based on user interests, demographics, devices, location, and more. Ads can reach particular niches relevant to your brand.

How XtremeUX’s Marketing Experts Can Help You Boost Your TikTok Results

Conduct Thorough Audience Research

The XtremeUX team will research the target audience deeply to understand their interests and motivations and how to best resonate with messaging. This insight informs creative direction and copywriting.

Brainstorm Catchy, Viral Headlines

Our creative team will brainstorm dozens of potential headline options using punchy phrases, emojis, questions, fill-in-the-blanks, and other engaging formats proven to get attention.

Test Multiple Ad Variations

We’ll produce several versions of each ad, testing different headlines, visuals, captions, and calls to action. By testing permutations, we’ll learn what resonates best.

Analyze Performance Data

With robust analytics tracking, we’ll see which ad variants achieve the highest view completion rate, clicks, follows, engagement, and conversions. This data informs ongoing optimizations.

Refine Based on Learning

Low performers get eliminated, while top performers get refined further.

We’ll keep improving headlines based on feedback data until we’ve achieved the optimal results for your campaigns.

Build Ad Sequences

We’ll sequence complementary ads together into journeys tailored to each user’s position in the purchase process, from awareness to consideration and conversion.

Ensure Brand Consistency

Headlines will align with your brand voice to sound natural across all touchpoints. We’ll make your messaging stand out while remaining on-brand.

Get TikTok Success with the XtremeUX Experts

Want to boost your TikTok presence and turn followers into customers? XtremeUX’s dedicated marketing experts know how to make your brand stand out on one of the world’s fastest growing platforms.


Why Choose XtremeUX As Your TikTok Ads Partner


Proven Track Record of Success

We’ve delivered strong ROI and KPI improvements across multiple client campaigns, demonstrating our ability to make TikTok work.

Deep Knowledge of the Platform

Our team stays on top of every new ad product, targeting option, and algorithm update on TikTok. We know how to optimize for the platform.

Strategic Audience Targeting

With CRM data, pixel tracking, and analysis of interests and behaviors, we identify who your best customers are on TikTok and how to reach them.

Creative Optimization

We test multiple ad variations to determine what creative resonates best with your audience to achieve engagement and conversions.

Comprehensive Reporting

We provide insightful analytics on all key metrics and campaign learnings so we can fine-tune approach.

Passion for TikTok

Our team lives and breathes TikTok marketing daily. We love discovering what connects with audiences on this platform.

FAQs About TikTok Marketing Services

What types of content perform best on TikTok?

Short, entertaining videos under 60 seconds tend to gain the most traction. Useful content formats include challenges, tutorials, humor, behind-the-scenes, and trending sounds/effects. Authenticity is key.

How can I make my videos stand out on TikTok?

Use creative shooting styles, viral sounds, popular effects, strategic hashtags, captions, and visual branding. Interact with viewers in comments and videos. Post consistently to build an audience.

What are some best practices for TikTok ads?

Target specific user demographics, interests, and behaviors. Test different creative variations. Use six-second pre-roll ads or brand takeovers. Retarget engaged users. Monitor and optimize based on performance.

How do you go viral on TikTok?

Going viral takes luck, but you can increase chances by participating in hashtag challenges, leveraging trends, encouraging UGC, collaborating with influencers, and promoting videos on other channels.

How can I track my TikTok marketing performance?

Key metrics to monitor include video views, reach, follower growth, engagement rate, traffic referrals, hashtag views, conversions, and ROI from ads or shopping links. Use TikTok Analytics.