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Which Ecommerce Tools Used for Successful Marketing

Last Updated on 03rd May, 2024 | Ecommerce

Ecommerce Tools Used for Successful Marketing

Ecommerce has exploded in popularity over the last decade, with online sales continuing to grow at a rapid pace. As an ecommerce manager, having the right marketing tools and strategies in place is critical for driving traffic, boosting conversions, and ultimately succeeding with your online store.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the most effective marketing tools and techniques that every ecommerce manager should be leveraging. From analytics and SEO to email marketing and social media, we will break down the essential tools you need to implement a results-driven marketing strategy. With the right marketing technology stack and intelligent digital marketing tactics, you can acquire new customers, engage existing ones, and grow your ecommerce business.

With the right marketing technology and data-driven optimization, ecommerce managers can propel steady business growth and remain agile in an increasingly competitive landscape. Let’s explore the must-have tools and tactics to make that happen.

Essential Marketing Tools for Ecommerce Managers

Analytics Platforms

In the world of marketing, data is king. Analytics platforms provide ecommerce managers with valuable consumer insights that inform essential business and marketing decisions. By thoroughly tracking and reporting on user interactions on your website and beyond, analytics tools spotlight opportunities for optimization and growth.

The most widely used analytics platform is Google Analytics. This free tool offers a robust suite of capabilities to monitor and analyze all website traffic and performance. Once correctly implemented with ecommerce tracking enabled, Google Analytics provides a wealth of data, including:

  • Traffic sources: See where your visitors come from, such as organic search, social media, email, display ads, etc. Identify your highest traffic sources.
  • Landing pages: Determine which pages on your site attract the most visitors and optimize those experiences.
  • Behavior flow: Visualize the customer journey and see how users navigate your site. Pinpoint areas of fallout.
  • Conversions: Track key actions like product views, additions to cart, purchases, and more. See conversion rates for different funnel steps.
  • Attribution: Learn which marketing channels and campaigns drive conversions so you can double down on the most effective ones.
  • Segments: Isolate key user groups like new vs. returning visitors to glean deeper insights.
  • Benchmarks: Access out-of-the-box reports explicitly tailored for ecommerce so you can compare your stats to industry averages.

To harness Google Analytics’ full potential, ecommerce managers should ensure accurate implementation, have a clear tracking strategy, and avoid common pitfalls like duplicate page views. Properly setting up Google Analytics provides an invaluable 360-degree view of customers and website performance.

Other analytics platforms, such as Adobe Analytics, Mixpanel, Amplitude, and Heap, offer expanded capabilities to complement Google Analytics as your needs grow. No matter which solution(s) you leverage, having the right tracking in place is crucial for data-driven ecommerce marketing.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

For most ecommerce businesses, search engine optimization (SEO) is foundational and should be a core component of any marketing strategy. SEO is the practice of optimizing your website and content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keyword searches. About 40% of consumers begin their online shopping journey on a search engine like Google, so ranking highly organically is imperative for visibility and traffic.

Successful ecommerce SEO best practices requires both on-page and off-page efforts, including:

  • Keyword research: Identify relevant search terms with high volume that align with your products. Prioritize targeting strategic keywords.
  • On-page optimization: Optimize product pages and SEO-Friendly content with keywords in titles, headers, URLs, image names, meta descriptions, and body text. Ensure site architecture and internal linking facilitate discoverability.
  • Content creation: Regularly publish blog posts, guides, videos, and other content that answers consumer questions and incorporates target keywords.
  • Technical site improvements: Maintain reasonable page speeds, proper HTML tags, a modern site architecture, and other technical best practices that boost SEO.
  • Link building: Acquire backlinks from relevant websites through guest posts, resource pages, influencer partnerships, and other strategies to build authority.
  • Local SEO: Implement schema markup for business information, GMB listing, and other local optimization tactics to rank in map pack results.
  • Mobile optimization: Enable accelerated mobile pages and responsive design so the site experience shines on mobile devices. More than 60% of ecommerce traffic now comes from mobile.
  • Analytics monitoring: Track organic traffic, rankings, clicks, and conversions in Google Analytics to gauge your SEO success and identify areas of opportunity.

SEO is an investment that requires patience and consistency, but the long-term payoff is well worth it. Winning the first few spots for your most lucrative keywords can unlock massive growth.

Email Marketing Platforms

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective yet powerful ways for ecommerce brands to drive repeat sales from existing customers. Segmenting your customer list and crafting targeted, personalized email campaigns typically yields exceptional return on investment. With the right email marketing platform, you can easily create, automate, send, and track email campaigns and newsletters.

Here are key capabilities the best email service providers offer:

  • List segmentation: Categorize contacts based on demographic data, purchase history, behavioral data, and more so you can send hyper-targeted campaigns.
  • Templates: Professionally designed email templates you can customize to reflect your brand identity.
  • Automation: Set up automated welcome sequences, cart abandonment flows, win-back series, and other behavioral-based emails.
  • Campaign creation: An intuitive editor and system to visually build and write appealing email content.
  • Mobile optimization: Ensure your emails render beautifully across desktop and mobile.
  • Analytics: Robust reporting to determine open rates, click rates, conversions, ROI, and other key email performance metrics.
  • List management: Keep your contact list clean and up-to-date with tools to detect inactive subscribers, identify new potential subscribers, and comply with regulations.

Leading email service providers like Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Omnisend, and Campaign Monitor tick all the boxes for key functionality. They also integrate seamlessly with ecommerce platforms, making implementation quick and data flows seamless.

Ramping up your email marketing and crafting thoughtful messages and automation that nurture subscribers into happy, lifelong customers is one of the highest-leverage activities an ecommerce manager can undertake.

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Social Media Platforms

In today’s digital landscape, social media marketing is no longer optional. With so many consumers scrolling Instagram, engaging on Facebook, and pinning content on Pinterest, having a thoughtful social media strategy is imperative for ecommerce brands. Social platforms present phenomenal opportunities to attract your target audience and convert them into customers.

Here are tips for succeeding with the major social networks:

  • Instagram: Focus on high-quality photos and short videos that showcase your products. Partner with influencers, run giveaways, follow trends, optimize hashtags, and encourage user-generated content. Instagram drives the most traffic and conversions for many ecommerce brands.
  • Facebook: Run promotions in Facebook groups that are aligned with your audience. Create video ads optimized for the sales funnel. Retarget engaged visitors with compelling offers. Messenger bots can also qualify leads.
  • Pinterest: Curate eye-catching pinboards with your products styled in context alongside complementary products. Participate in group boards and ensure you have a shoppable profile.
  • TikTok: Create fun, engaging short videos that showcase your brand. TikTok’s algorithm rewards creativity. Use relevant sounds, effects, and hashtags.
  • Twitter: Build an audience of potential customers through insightful, entertaining tweets. Respond swiftly to mentions. Run both cash and cashless giveaways.
  • YouTube: Upload branded videos, such as product reviews, unboxings, and tutorials, optimized for search. YouTube organically drives 10%+ of traffic for top ecommerce brands.

Paid Advertising Platforms

While organic marketing channels can generate steady results over time, paid advertising enables ecommerce brands to scale their marketing and growth more rapidly. Platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads Manager make launching and optimizing paid campaigns relatively straightforward. Below are tips for maximizing returns on ad spend through paid search marketing and paid social campaigns.

With over 3.5 billion searches per day, Google Ads presents a massive opportunity for ecommerce managers to drive targeted traffic to their online store. Some best practices include:

  • Keyword research: Identify high-converting keywords segmented by stages of the customer journey, such as awareness, consideration, and purchase intent. Analyze search volume and competition as well.
  • Ad copy: Craft compelling headlines and descriptions that speak directly to the intent behind each keyword and entice searchers to click.
  • Landing pages: Send traffic to relevant product and content pages that match the keywords and ad copy.
  • Extensions: Take advantage of extensions like call-outs, location information, and site links to improve ad visibility and clicks.
  • Device optimization: Enable enhanced campaigns to serve ads across devices and tailor them based on intent signals and context. More than 60% of ecommerce clicks now happen on mobile.
  • Remarketing: Create custom remarketing lists and ads tailored to visitors at different stages, such as adding items to a cart rather than completing a purchase.
  • Analytics: Closely monitor performance data and use it to identify high-performing segments to scale up and underperforming elements to eliminate or improve.

Google Ads can deliver phenomenal ROI with rigorous ad group segmentation, ongoing split testing, landing page optimization, and careful budget management.

Facebook/Instagram Ads

Given Facebook and Instagram’s combined 4.5 billion monthly active users, running ads on these platforms presents an enormous marketing opportunity for ecommerce brands. Best practices for optimizing ad performance include:

  • Audience selection: Use detailed targeting parameters like interests, behaviors, and demographics to laser-focus your ads on your ideal customers.
  • Creative testing: Develop multiple ad variations with different copy, visuals, offers, and calls to action. See what resonates most with your audience.
  • Placement: Serve ads both in-feed and via Instagram Stories for expanded reach. Instagram Shopping ads also highlight products attractively.
  • Retargeting: Custom audiences and pixel tracking allow you to remarket to past site visitors with relevant offers to convert them.
  • Monitoring: The Facebook Ads Manager dashboard provides comprehensive reporting to assess and optimize ad cost, relevance, reach, and results.

With such massive built-in audiences, creative ad types, and advanced targeting, Facebook and Instagram ads can become top customer acquisition and retargeting channels for ecommerce businesses.

Marketing Automation Platforms

Marketing automation software ties together disparate activities into a single platform, enabling you to track interactions with leads and customers at every touchpoint and nurture them with tailored messaging on their journey. This technology empowers you to convert more leads into delighted lifetime buyers. Key capabilities include:

  • Contact databases to unify customer data from all sources centrally.
  • Behavioral tracking tools like web forms and surveys to capture insights from site visitors.
  • Intelligent lead scoring to identify and segment engaged prospects based on activity and profile data.
  • Email marketing integrations to send behavioral-based automated campaigns like drip sequences.
  • CRM integrations to transfer hot sales prospects seamlessly to sales teams.
  • Customizable landing pages and forms to capture leads.
  • Workflows to map out the ideal customer journey and set triggers to advance contacts through each stage.
  • Analytics dashboards to report on funnel metrics and campaign performance.
  • Real-time alerting when key actions occur, like a contact reaching a certain lead score threshold to be routed to sales.

By orchestrating cross-channel digital experiences powered by data, marketing automation helps ecommerce managers nurture contacts through personalized journeys optimized to convert at each stage.

Popular all-in-one options like HubSpot and Marketo make implementation relatively turnkey. Specialized solutions like Customer.io and Omnisend cater specifically to ecommerce as well. The capabilities to track prospect behaviors, react accordingly, and automate workflows provide a game-changing upside.

Evaluating Marketing Performance

With an effective martech stack in place, the final step is regularly evaluating performance to ensure your efforts remain aligned with core business goals. Key metrics to track across channels include:

  • Traffic: Website users, social media followers, email list growth, online community engagement
  • Engagement: Bounce rates, time on site, email open rates, social shares, repeat purchases
  • Conversions: Signups, purchases, email clicks, free trial starts, product page views
  • Retention: Churn rate, customer lifetime value, repurchase rate, email unsubscribes
  • Referrals: Referral signups, social mentions, ratings and reviews
  • Cost: CPA, CPC, CAC, ROI

Leveraging analytics dashboards to monitor these KPIs enables data-driven optimization of underperforming areas and scaling up of winning strategies. Regularly reviewing performance ensures your initiatives continue driving towards core ecommerce goals like acquiring customers, growing lifetime value, retaining loyal buyers, and maximizing profitability.


In today’s digital landscape, implementing a sophisticated martech stack is imperative for ecommerce success. Analytics, SEO, email, social, paid media, marketing automation, and performance tracking provide the data-driven tools and insights needed to attract visitors, convert them to customers, and nurture lasting relationships.

While the platforms covered in this guide represent starter solutions for most ecommerce managers, you can augment your stack over time as business needs evolve. The key is identifying and thoroughly leveraging the marketing channels offering your brand the greatest return.

With the right tools and strategies in place, you will be primed to boost website traffic, increase conversions, forge lasting customer connections, and ultimately drive sustainable e-commerce growth. Just maintain a test-and-iterate mindset, stay agile, and let data guide your decision-making every step of the way.