Ecommerce SEO Services

For online retailers aiming to attract high-quality visitors, convert leads, and generate revenue via search engines such as Google, ecommerce search engine optimization is absolutely vital. Considering that Google processes over 3.5 billion search queries daily, SEO offers one of the most powerful methods for helping an online store get discovered.

At XtremeUX, our team of knowledgeable ecommerce SEO specialists profoundly understands both the obstacles and possibilities involved in optimizing web stores for organic search. Our veteran SEO experts have assisted scores of ecommerce companies in enhancing their organic search presence and increasing sales through customized SEO tactics. By capitalizing on cutting-edge optimization techniques and staying current with Google’s latest algorithm changes, the ecommerce SEO professionals at XtremeUX can empower your website to draw in a greater volume of qualified prospects and ultimately boost conversions.


Key Objectives of an Ecommerce SEO

When it comes to operating a successful online shop, one of the most critical factors is making sure potential customers can actually find your store when searching on Google and other search engines. This is where the practice of ecommerce SEO (search engine optimization) comes into play.

Ecommerce SEO is all about fine-tuning various elements of your online store – from the words on the page, to the structure of your site, to the backlinks pointing to it – in order to improve its ranking in the search results for keywords related to the products you sell. When you rank higher for relevant searches, you’ll get more organic traffic to your site. And more targeted traffic means more shoppers who are likely to make a purchase.

  • Increasing organic keyword rankings and traffic
  • Driving qualified website visitors ready to purchase
  • Improving click-through-rates (CTR) from search engine results pages (SERPs)
  • Building more visibility for new products and categories
  • Creating more brand awareness and trust signals
  • Generating more leads and sales from organic search

Types of Ecommerce SEO Services

Ecommerce SEO can be broken down into several key types, each focusing on different aspects of your online store to improve its visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Technical SEO Services

  • Improving site speed and load times
  • Ensuring mobile-friendliness and responsive design
  • Creating a logical site structure with a clear hierarchy
  • Implementing schema markup (structured data) for better SERP features
  • Managing crawl errors and redirects
Technical SEO Services
On-Page SEO Services

On-Page SEO Services

  • Keyword research to target terms that potential customers use
  • Optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, headers, and product descriptions
  • Using high-quality, relevant images with optimized alt tags
  • Ensuring a good user experience with easy navigation and user interface
  • Internal linking to help distribute page authority throughout the site

Content Marketing Services

  • Blog posts about topics related to your products
  • Buying guides and how-to articles
  • Videos that showcase products or provide valuable information
  • Infographics and other visual content
  • User-generated content, such as reviews and testimonials
Content Marketing Services
Off-Page SEO Services

Off-Page SEO Services

  • Link building through outreach and partnerships
  • Influencer marketing to garner mentions and links
  • Social media marketing to drive traffic and engagement
  • Encouraging customer reviews on external sites
  • Implement breadcrumb navigation to enhance user experience and clarify site structure for search engines.

Local SEO Services

  • Claiming and optimizing your Google My Business listing
  • Getting listed in local directories and citations
  • Gathering local reviews
  • Local keyword optimization
Local SEO Services
International SEO Services

International SEO Services

  • Using hreflang tags for language and regional URLs
  • Optimizing for local search engines and preferences
  • Translating and localizing content for different regions
  • Understanding and complying with regional search engine regulations

Mobile SEO Services

  • Ensuring your site is fully responsive and mobile-friendly
  • Optimizing for mobile search queries and keywords
  • Speed optimization for mobile users
  • Mobile user experience and design considerations
Mobile SEO Services
Technical SEO Services

Ecommerce Platform SEO

  • Utilizing platform-specific SEO features and plugins
  • Platform-specific technical optimizations
  • Structuring products and categories effectively within the platform’s constraints

Voice Search Optimization Services

  • Targeting long-tail, conversational keywords
  • Structuring content in a way that answers common questions
  • Focusing on local SEO for voice searches with local intent
Voice Search Optimization Services
Image and Video SEO Services

Image and Video SEO Services

  • Using high-quality images and videos
  • Optimizing file names and alt attributes with relevant keywords
  • Implementing image sitemaps
  • Using video transcripts for better indexing

What are the Challenges for ecommerce SEO

1. Competition

With the massive growth of ecommerce, competition is fierce for ranking well in search engines. Thousands of online stores are vying for those coveted top spots in the SERPs. Ranking for product keywords can be challenging against mammoth sites like Amazon. Even category terms face competition from powerhouses like Wayfair, Chewy, etc. New sites have to work exceptionally hard at on-page optimization, content marketing, backlinks, and more to outrank established brands. It requires an in-depth strategy to chip away at the competition.

2. Constantly Changing Products

One of the biggest advantages of ecommerce is having a vast, ever-changing catalog of products. But this poses an SEO challenge because product pages are always dynamic. As inventory shifts, product details like price, availability, options, etc., are constantly in flux. This makes it challenging to optimize pages just once. Product SEO needs ongoing attention to adjust to changes. Images, titles, descriptions, etc., need to be updated as products come in and out of stock. Dynamic sites make SEO a moving target.

3. Thin Content

Ecommerce product pages tend to need richer, more informative content compared to blog posts or articles. Most focus only on product specs and details rather than elaborate descriptions, comparisons, or education. So, there needs to be more opportunities for keywords and optimization. Unique, engaging content is critical for SEO, so ecommerce sites have to get creative with product copy, additional content, and multimedia. This thin content also provides fewer internal linking opportunities, which are valuable for search rankings and site navigation.

4. Technical Issues

From site architecture to page speed, ecommerce sites face many technical hurdles. Large inventories lead to extensive site maps, categories, filters, and parameters to optimize. Slow load times or broken links from improper URL structures also cause problems. And with proper analytics tracking, it’s possible to segment landing pages and keywords. Technical SEO establishes the foundation for ecommerce success. It takes extensive audits, fixes, and monitoring to maximize site performance.

5. Link Building

Getting backlinks to products is relatively easy in ecommerce SEO because there are limited options that make sense contextually. Paid inclusion in large directories provides little value these days. Guest posts on blogs don’t necessarily give the product relevance that search engines want to see. So ecommerce sites have to earn links through brand mentions, interviews, roundups, social shares, broken link building, and other creative outreach. Links should come from relevant sites in your industry, not generic directories. A diverse link profile with exact match anchor text helps. But quality and relevance trump quantity.

How XtremeUX Ecommerce SEO Experts Help Clients to Overcome These Challenges

1. Overcoming Fierce Competition

With the massive growth of ecommerce, competition is fierce for ranking well in search engines. Thousands of online stores are vying for those coveted top spots in the SERPs. Ranking for product keywords can be harsh against mammoth sites like Amazon. Even category terms face competition from powerhouses like Wayfair, Chewy, etc. New sites have to work exceptionally hard at on-page optimization, content marketing, backlinks, and more to outrank established brands. It requires an in-depth strategy to chip away at the competition.

2. Managing Constantly Changing Products

One of the biggest advantages of ecommerce is having a vast, ever-changing catalog of products. But this poses an SEO challenge because product pages are always dynamic. As inventory shifts, product details like price, availability, options, etc., are constantly in flux. This makes it challenging to optimize pages just once. Product SEO needs ongoing attention to adjust to changes. Images, titles, descriptions, etc., need to be updated as products come in and out of stock. Dynamic sites make SEO a moving target.

3. Improving Thin Content

Ecommerce product pages tend to need richer, more informative content compared to blog posts or articles. Most focus only on product specs and details rather than elaborate descriptions, comparisons, or education. So, there needs to be more opportunities for keywords and optimization. Unique, engaging content is critical for SEO, so ecommerce sites have to get creative with product copy, additional content, and multimedia. This thin content also provides fewer internal linking opportunities, which are valuable for search rankings and site navigation.

4. Fixing Technical SEO Issues

From site architecture to page speed, ecommerce sites face many technical hurdles. Large inventories lead to extensive site maps, categories, filters, and parameters to optimize. Slow load times or broken links from improper URL structures also cause problems. And with proper analytics tracking, it’s possible to segment landing pages and keywords. Technical SEO establishes the foundation for ecommerce success. It takes extensive audits, fixes, and monitoring to maximize site performance.

Getting backlinks to products is relatively easy in ecommerce SEO because there are limited options that make sense contextually. Paid inclusion in large directories provides little value these days. Guest posts on blogs don’t necessarily give the product relevance that search engines want to see. So ecommerce sites have to earn links through brand mentions, interviews, roundups, social shares, broken link building, and other creative outreach. Links should come from relevant sites in your industry, not generic directories. A diverse link profile with exact match anchor text helps. But quality and relevance trump quantity.

Boost Your Ecommerce Sales with SEO & Paid Ads

Boost your ecommerce sales and visibility through proven SEO and paid ad strategies from XtremeUX, the leading ecommerce experts.

Our Ecommerce SEO Services Include:

eCommerce SEO audit

Discover your site’s potential with a full-scale eCommerce SEO audit that identifies opportunities for improvement and growth.

Keyword Research

Unlock the power of search by targeting the right keywords that your customers are using to find products like yours.

On-Page Optimization

Optimize your product pages, categories, and content to rank higher and attract more qualified traffic.

Technical SEO Services

Ensure that your ecommerce platform is running smoothly with technical optimizations that improve site speed, mobile-friendliness, and indexability.


Content Marketing

Engage and convert customers with high-quality, SEO-optimized content that sets your brand apart.

Link Building

Enhance your site’s authority with a strategic link-building campaign that drives referral traffic and boosts rankings.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Turn more of your visitors into customers with data-driven CRO techniques tailored to your ecommerce site.

Ongoing Performance Analysis

Stay ahead of the competition with regular reporting, analysis, and agile adjustments to your SEO strategy.

FAQs About Ecommerce SEO Services

How can I improve my ecommerce site’s SEO?

Start with an in-depth technical SEO audit to identify and fix any site speed, indexing, or architecture issues. Optimize product page titles, descriptions, alt text, etc. Create unique, engaging content like guides and blogs. Build high-quality backlinks from relevant sites. Track keyword rankings and site analytics.

What are some important ecommerce SEO factors?

Important factors are site speed, mobile optimization, quality content, authority backlinks, local SEO, semantic keyword optimization, and structured data markup. Pay attention to site security, proper URL structures, and inventory management as well.

How do I choose the right keywords for my ecommerce SEO?

Research keywords using Google’s keyword planner and other tools. Identify product, category, and long tail keywords with sufficient search volume and low competition. Analyze competitor keywords and gaps. Focus on keywords that align with your products and intended audience.

How often should I update my ecommerce content?

E-commerce content should be updated regularly as new products are added, prices change, inventory shifts occur, etc. Product descriptions, titles, images, and other details should be kept fresh and consistent with what users see onsite. Aim for weekly or monthly content reviews.

How can I track my ecommerce SEO results?

Use Google Analytics to track organic traffic changes, landing pages, and conversions. Monitor rankings in Google Search Console to see keyword gains – track site crawl stats for indexing changes. Set up dashboards and reports to measure SEO KPIs over time. Use A/B testing to optimize pages further.

How to Choose a Right eCommerce SEO Agency

When choosing an eCommerce SEO agency, make sure to research their experience optimizing online stores and expertise in eCommerce strategies. It’s important to partner with a company (like XtremeUX Digital) that has a proven track record of success working with other eCommerce brands. Ask for case studies and client references to find a best eCommerce SEO company that understands your business goals and can help increase sales through search.